We are available as a space for BEAUtiful Farm educational birthday parties of all ages, including adult farm programs!
Adult Riding Lessons, Kid Horse Programs & Riding Lessons, BYOB Equine Education and Farm Fun, Girl Scouts, 4-H & Photography Honeybee Education & Husbandry, Equine & Farm Related Mediation.
Contact us today! Get Creative!

Riding Lessons are taught by Christy, she has over 20 years of horse experience including many years in the show ring and the United States Pony Club. Christy is an H-A Rated USPC rider and teacher, as well as national rater and nationally ranked Dressage rider through the USPC.
Here, we focus on CORE riding and offer lessons in dressage, show jumping, trail riding, western riding, etc. We specialize in developing young riders into strong, independent riders, who have the ability to really ride their horses and communicate clearly through all of their aids with grace.
We have also offer Unbridled horsemanship lessons & confidence building sessions. Please note that the weight limit for Riding Horses is 225 lbs. Make an appointment today! Email BeeBEAUtifulFarms@gmail.com for an appointment!