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BEAUtiful Farm

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BEAUtiful Summer Fun at the Farm 2025

BEAUtiful Summer FUN We are offering an extremely inclusive, confidence building, calming, stress relieving, creative program for kids from the ages of 5-12 or older if you prefer. This is a program like no other, they learn and practice team- work, empower each other, enjoy the sensory feeling of the outdoors, relax with meditation and yoga, and much more.

We welcome you to BEAUtiful FUN! Enjoy the photos!

BEAUtiful Summer FUN is Monday - Friday for the last week in June, all 4 weeks in July, and all 5 weeks in August!

They come at 10 am and leave at 3 pm. They will need a lunch, a snack and a refillable water bottle! They must dress for the weather as we are RAIN or SHINE all the time! Boots are also recommended!

Please email BeeBEAUtifulfarms@gmail.com for pricing, information and sign ups!

If you sign up before February 15 2025, there is an early bird discount!

Magic at the Farm Awaits!

Our BEAUtiful Farm needs your help to let LOVE Win

Give your Kids
An Experience
Of a Lifetime
With Us